60 miles West of Lousiville, KY
From Louisville: Take Interstate 64 west to Exit 79. Go north (right) on SR 37 towards French Lick. This turns into SR 145. Turn left on SR 164. Go about one mile. Turn right on Dillard Rd. just after the church. Fishermen’s Village is ¼ mile on the right
120 miles South of Indianapolis, IN
From Indianapolis: Take SR 37 south to Paoli. Go west on SR 56 to French Lick. In French Lick, go south on SR 145 towards Patoka Lake. Turn west on SR 164. Go about one mile. Turn right on Dillard Rd. just after the church. Fishermen’s Village is ¼ mile on the right.
80 Miles East of Evansville, IN
From Evansville: Take Interstate 64 East to Exit 79. Go north (left) on SR 37 towards French Lick. This turns into SR 145. Turn left on SR 164. Go about one mile. Turn right on Dillard Rd. just after the church. Fishermen’s Village is ¼ mile on the right.